The Keil family contacted me from Alaska when they started planning their summer vacation. They have been traveling all over the place this summer and I met them in Melbourne Beach on their way through Florida. I think these children were two of the most cooperative kids (aside from older ones) I have ever worked with and they had such happy attitudes the whole time! HOPE for those of use with three under 7 who feel like their kids might never make it through a shoot without crying! Oh wait, is that just me?
But the real question here is what do you think about my couch drawing up there? I am NOT an artist of any kind when it comes to that sort of thing so please forgive me but I just love combinations of wrapped canvas for family wall portraits and since each family session produces different results -images that work together in different shapes and combinations- well I just thought it was easier to draw you a picture than search for a template that was exactly what I wanted!

Beautiful pictures of beautiful people. Make sure they order enough so Grandma gets some!!