I got to shoot the Esposito Family pictures at their home last week. I was super excited to do this because Mrs. Esposito is my daughter's school principal. Somehow I think we survived 3 years of preschool without me having to be called in to "the principal's office." My Mary has a good dose of determination and down right fiesty-ness. And if you are assuming right now that those traits came from me than yes you would be right. I had more than my fair share of trips to the principal's office. However, let me pass the buck and remind you that it couldn't have started with me. So, who is really to blame? My parent's of csourse.
You can blame almost anything on your parents.
I was really looking forward to meeting Chris's family. She is so great at First United Methodist Preschool. I told her a couple years ago that she is in the perfect job. I see her all the time caring for her staff and the children as well but I can tell she is not only caring but a good strong leader too. We've been talking about doing these pictures for a while. Chris warned me that her family was not totally into it but would hopefully cooperate as a mother's day gift to her. I thought they did exceptionally well. Also, I think I will start bringing other families to Chris's back yard for photo sessions. Maybe even borrow the dog.

Chris has two kids in college. My kids understand that they are not allowed to do that. Well, unless they both get full rides which of course they will because of course they are brilliant. The verdict is still out on Davis who according to speech therapists is a "motor boy." His scholarship might have to be for sports. I love my motor boy and treasure the fact that he isn't talking much yet. The Lord does not give you more than you can handle and I can't handle another child who talks as much as the first two. He does love to play catch though and that works for me. But then there is his friend Lucy who is his age and I keep seeing video of her on facebook singing songs and reminding me that some 2 year olds say more than
ma-ma. ball. da-da. touchdown.

This is one happy dog. I LOVE this picture.

See those faces saying "I love you mom."

Girlfriends and boyfriends joined in on the photo-fun too... awww maybe their wedding entry will be on here someday and I'll link back to this.

These are my favorites. I love how easily they make each other laugh and how Chris's eyes disappear when she smiles big.

We went inside and they said we could be done but I said no and stayed for some kitchen pics. And it was like those cooking shows because the first thing they did was take a perfectly cooked pizza out of the oven. Then, they started to make another one. And by the way this house is so clean I thought they just moved in. And I wanted to move in too.

See that? Don't try this at home. It never goes as planned.
Dear Chris, should I send you my teacher request now or later?
(for motor boy)
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