I'm not sure where to start. I'm going to be wordy on this one so get your coffee. I just have a lot to say. First of all, this picture above might be my favorite maternity ever, but only if one of my other favorites below don't win out in the end. Oh and I might have to start offering sessions in Ohio... travel fees apply. Also, my new website/blog will be done soon and I tested the blog. Thanks to my testing the new blog I now hate this one. My images here look like thumbnails. Can't wait for the big switcheroo!
I had the opportunity to shoot pregnancy photography for my brother and sister in law last month in Ohio. The trip is part of why I am a week behind right now (but only because it happened right after my family moved - and turned our lives upside down in the process.) It was of course worth it because family is a big deal (no pun intended.)
I was so impressed by the Ohio corn fields we set out to find the perfect one. Instead of the normal maternity session, we took a day trip up to Battle Creek MI to visit family and stopped for "mini sessions" throughout the day in different locations. You've never seen so many belly shots but it was lots of fun! Our first stop was the "perfect corn field." We spotted the small farm with a tomato stand out front and decided we had the most unbelievable tomato craving. After stopping for tomatoes, we had an equally irresistable urge to use the farm for our maternity shoot. The farm lady was super nice and didn't mind at all. She even helped us out with some props which you'll see later. I might have to make that one the cover image now that I think about it.
Thank you farm lady.

I love the old look of this image. It reminds me of pictures my mom pulls out of her ceder chest from her childhood. Chad and Khara are not actually out of the 50's. But Chad's not that far off.

They aren't telling us the baby's name and they've been calling her "ladybug" until she's born. My son thinks that's her name and doesn't even realize how odd a name it would be.
(My apologies if you named your daughter ladybug.)

The special "something" that made this corn field stand out from the pack is the row of wildflowers (my brother kept naming them but I can't remember what they're called), then row of nothing (otherwise known as the you-stand-here-row) and then the field. Ahhh perfection.

Notice to all beautiful pregnant women: NOT FAIR. I gained anywhere from 30-45lbs every time and looked like a very ugly cow. Not even like the cute ones you notice while you're driving and should be watching the road.

(Jenn inspired.)

My brother being the funny guy. He is that guy.

I heart gravel. We all like different things right?

This is the funniest picture of all time, so funny it looks posed. Explanation: I never shoot in mid day but we had no choice. SO, we were waiting for the clouds that were passing by occasionally before we actually snapped the shot. My brother is watching for the next cloud while Khara is attempting not to pass out. It was awesome.

Same as the first one above but in full color. I love this so much I might hang it in my house, is that weird?

In Ohio, people often hang out under adorable little apple trees. We can do this for your session for the small fee of a round trip ticket to Ohio. Oh wait this was actually in MI.

There are also very huge piles of cut trees. Actually only in my aunts back yard but that is a long story involving my aunt, a pond, a lake and the state of Michigan. If you need firewood this winter or any time in the next ten years, please call her.

Seriously Khara you are smokin.

This is the second funniest picture of all time but only because I kept saying "Kiss her temple" and they kept hearing me say "Kiss the nipple."

After this a muskrat tried to bite Khara's foot off. It was so cool except I totally missed it. I secretly wanted it to happen again so I could see. But not really get her foot. You know?
What a fun day! Thanks Chad and Khara for having me be a part of this precious season in your life and for the fun times we had together! --Newborn images coming soon!
p.s. My brother has finally stopped whining about Ohio and embraced the farmer within. His tomato plant reaches up to the second floor.

p.p.s. Davis had his first hair cut at 2.5 years old. And we only did the bangs because we love his hair and refuse to cut it no matter how many times my dad asks.

what boy doesn't love a good crash?