I did some fitness photography for Beachside Bootcamp in Satellite Beach (Melboure Fl Area) last week. Commercial photography is always a fun break from portraits, events, weddings, etc. It's different for me because I have more control, freedom and time to create a vision for the work. Sometimes its hard because I have an idea in my head and I've got to get people (or sometimes buildings or objects) to make it come to life. Working with Shana Crovo and her "beachside bootcamper's" was fun. Shana has been one of my good friends since high school. She is a wife, mom of three, an RN, a personal trainer and has been a fitness instructor for 15 years I think! (She started young!) Her beachside bootcamp is a great chance to enjoy the outdoors while you work out. Plus, you'll appreciate the company of other women who share your common goal and seriously experience some results in your body! Shana combines aerobic exercise, weight bearing exercise, resistance training, circuit training, drills, kickboxing, games, hikes, yoga, pilates and more, plus tailors everything to your own fitness level as you progress. Essentially you get to share your personal trainer with a group, making it much more fun and affordable! I taught bootcamp myself before I had baby number three (when I realized I couldn't handle two jobs anymore!) It's really great and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to start a new habit that will promote your health, well being and energy level!

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