Well, I have a few minutes while images are converting from raw to jpg for an order I am editing so I thought I'd finally put these up here. I am planning on some time next century for actually updating my profile on the web site, facebook, etc. The picture on the main site is crazy out of date. This became most apparent to me when my mom (who gives her opinion once every 30 years) told me I needed to switch that "old picture" off my website. Then there were the pre-office times when I used to meet clients at Starbucks for consults and they would look around for the young skinny girl with long blonde hair and finally settle on me as a back up. I would like to say I have a strategy. We are working on some fun new changes here, including a new website. Why put any more time, ever again, into the old site? Isn't there enough to do? Unfortunately I have to admit I just like the younger. blonder. me. So, in an act of complete surrender to my aging self, I grabbed a couple of new friends (while I was at WPPI which I plan to blog sometime mid to late next century), handed them my camera and proceeded to feel incredibly awkward having my picture made. I don't know how you guys do it so well! Behind the lens is the place for me!! Oh and no I did not hold my camera up by my face or on my shoulder or any other lame place. I have no desire to be pictured with my camera as if we are dating. You know I'm a photographer still right? (please no offense to my talented friends who do like to be pictured with their camera. whatever floats your boat.) Anyway, I just haven't had time to do anything with these but I want my friends to know how much I do appreciate their help. Big thanks to Derek Cookson Royal Oak, MI photographer and Jason Prezant Newark, DE photographer. Derek even did the post processing for me which is great because I probably would have airbrushed my face off. I'll spare you the list of physical attributes I would like to change and just offer a moment of silence in appreciation for Photoshop.

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