Ahhhh, last week was a whirl of wedding, family and baby sessions and Spring Break at the Gray home as well! My family had some good times together in the midst of my husband and I juggling work. We went to the zoo one day, the beach and of course celebrated Easter! I hope to get some pics up soon of the kids! For now, I am excited to let all my clients from last week see their highlights here on the blog plus I am on a mission this week and next to complete 4 custom wedding album designs! Bear with me!
Jenna and Dave had beautiful weather on their wedding day. Good thing since they were married on the beach! Seriously this was the kind of good weather that happens right after lots of not-so-exciting weather and makes you want to buy a convertible. I didn't do it even though the sign that said I could have one if I brought in my W-2. Although I did end up buying a mac book from Dave and he didn't even have a sign like that.
I designed the images below for Jenna and Dave as custom album spreads for my 12x12 lay flat books. Enjoy!

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