Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Uncle Devon - Eligible Bachelor

My brother Devon stopped by for a surprise visit last week just when Davis was waking up and he's been dying to get these pics so here we go... As you can see here, Devon is a caring, sensitive, family kind of guy, works for Regions bank as a manager there and is eligible to date anyone who applies first through his big sister! hee hee, but really, I can safely say Dev is quite the catch. We're thinking God is going to bring him just the right girl, at the right time, who shares his beliefs, values and goals. Little Davis loves his uncle!


  1. I must say the surprise visits are the best! And thanks sis for the free advertising lol. Look forward to more high fives and those clinging hugs from little man :)

  2. What a treat to see my old friend Devon all grown up! Every time I see a photo of Davis, I'm reminded of Devon. Devon was the first baby I ever held....and I was quite young when I did. I distinctly recall him grasping my own little finger so tightly and being so excited that he did. (Little did I know...or care...that it was just a reflex.) So good to see these shots. And having grown up a few doors down from the family, I can vouch...Devon would make a great catch! :o) Love, Brandy
