i LOVE senior pictures! I really do. It might be because I wish I was 18 again. Or at least looked 18 again? Minus the glow-in-the-dark blond hair... Either way, it's so fun. I met Ashlen who was on vacation here from Colorado (which is funny because I took Woody's senior portraits in Colorado -who is from here.) She was staying at the Cocoa Beach Surf Studios and I loved shooting there! I do apologize for the lagging blog entries but we are about to launch the new site so I keep thinking if I wait a few more days I can post these entries to the new site and then we had some issues (sorry if you couldn't get on the sites the last couple days!) You can even see here that the image borders aren't loading in - weird. So, maybe one or two more entries here until the new Blogsite is all ready to go live! So exciting...
Back to Ashlen, she is super smiley and could barely not smile even while trying which I think is wonderful and adorable. Her dad is an awesome guy who scheduled this whole thing for his daughter (figuring it out from Colorado weeks before they came) knowing how much it would mean to her. I was booked (for the maximum sessions I'll accept each week) but then couldn't resist captain kirk and a senior session with Ashlen. So glad it worked out!

I must say, I just looked at this on both my macbook screen and my big monitor and oh geez you must see it here, how do you fellow laptop people survive with that color representation?