I met the Miksis family in Vero Beach a couple weeks ago. It reminded me of when I had two babies 18months apart! Life is a little crazy... But we had a great time and I was really happy with the outcome. I apologize for being so behind on the blog, I'm actually behind on everything right now due to a summer of moving, looking for houses, trying to get settled... working too. We weren't sure when the house would sell and then it did and we had one month to move. After we got moved I had a trip to Ohio planned previously to visit my brother and sister in law who are expecting a baby. We had an awesome maternity shoot I can't wait to post here but I've got a couple weddings ahead of that, then from this week I shot a great event at the UCF college of medicine and a high school senior from Colorado! I have decided to stop new bookings until after labor day in order to get back on track, kids back to school, etc. Please bear with me! There are so many new and exciting things just around the corner too with the opening of the studio!

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