I had the pleasure of returning to the UCF College of Medicine a few weeks ago to photograph their White Coat Ceremony. I hadn't been since they moved into the new building at Lake Nona in Orlando. Last time I shot there was Spring 2009 and I only heard talk of the plans for Lake Nona. I got involved with the college through a friend of mine -Marcy. I had photographed her family pictures and they were looking for a photographer to really capture something special at the college. Not just an event, but history, excitement... dreams becoming reality. That of course sounded interesting to me. (Oh and I also grew up a few doors down from Marcy and she had the awful job of babysitting me sometimes!) --Her family will actually be up on the blog later this week! Oh my gosh her kids are CRAZY CUTE. You must stay tuned.
Here's the thing about this school. Everyone I've been in contact with there is clearly passionate about the college and dedicated way beyond their job description.

Super sweet smile right?

Or maybe not. Whichever. We wouldn't want all the docs quitting on us.

I am such a Grey's Anatomy fan, this is so Pilot Episode.
Seriously, looking through the images I realized that most of the pre-ceremony time I have guys talking to girls... I could have put up a whole montage of that and then realized I should be nice and not.

Of course they probably will because they are brilliant.

Oh and I forgot to mention that the night before this I caught the stomach flu my family was passing around! I was so afraid I would be sick for the event! I figured though that I could ask someone for some kind of anti-nausea if I had to -right?! Well, I wasn't 100% better, but I just made sure to stay on an empty stomach until after the event so I wouldn't toss my cookies in the auditorium. There is seriously no room for being sick when you have an event to shoot but I would never cancel unless I was physically unable to look through my camera and click the shutter. Or at least click the shutter and point the camera in the right direction.

But they all did it because they are med students.

Dr. German: Lorraine, what a beautiful job!
Lorraine: Oh go on.

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