I shot Derek and Marie's wedding a few weeks ago at the Crowne Plaza. It was a morning wedding with a beautiful (and yummy) brunch served afterward under a tent out on the ocean deck. I love red so you're going to see lots of full color images here because I can't handle losing the red - most of the time. I thought the added greens made it so fresh and fun. Derek and Marie were a beautiful couple and so so sweet as well. They seemed so grateful for the day. Although they had been previously married, they had never had a wedding day and it was obvious this was a long awaited event. I especially loved the speech they gave to their guests and Marie thanking Derek's family for the wonderful man he is. Or, I think she said gentleman, which is even better. They have a beautiful daughter who you'll see in these pics. The hotel even brought a crib outside for her when she was getting sleepy. The cake was from Publix, and seriously Publix, you're good. The band was out of Orlando, called Cocobean. Obviously a steel drum Carribean duo, they were great! I have seen some problematic times occur when people here hire vendors out of Orlando but this was not one of them (and neither was last weekend with Lee's Florist - Oh MY, but we'll get to that...) This band is professional, prompt, talented and offers a very positive atmosphere to your party. The lead singer just has a naturally sunny disposition! Marie had a super cute "going away" dress which she found in Korea where the couple is currently stationed. There was a little snafu at the end when the limo (out of Orlando I might add) was so late that Marie and Derek had to drive themselves to the cruise terminal instead of the original plan to ride with friends and family (and their photographer.) No wedding is without a hitch though and I'm sure they had a great time on their honeymoon. Congratulations Marie and Derek!

Ohhhh...So beautiful..it totally captured the magic...Thanks Pam